최대 효율로 식물 다당류와 식물 폴리페놀을 노니차로서 음용하는 방법
페이지 정보
작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-06-03 14:36 조회1,882회 댓글0건관련링크
2021년 5월 26일자 수록된 내용으로
<노니의 한 품종인 모린다 시트리폴리아(M. citripolia)를 차로 마실때 다당류(PSC)와 폴리페놀(PPN)을 가장 효율적인 음용방법에 대한 연구 논문>으로서 이 연구의 이유와 결과에 대해 원본내용의 일부를 수록합니다.
출처 참고 : https://peerj.com/articles/11507/
Polysaccharides and polyphenol in dried Morinda citrifolia fruit tea after different processing conditions: Optimization analysis using response surface methodology
The increasing popularity of Morinda citrifolia has many medical and health benefits because of its rich polysaccharides (PSC) and polyphenols (PPN). It has become popular to brew the dry M. citrifolia fruit slice as tea in some regions of China. In this study, optimize the extraction parameters of M. citrifolia fruit tea polysaccharides and polyphenols using response surface methodology. The results indicated the highest PSC yield of 17% at 46 °C for 11 min and the ratio of water/M. citrifolia fruit powder was 78 mL/g. The optimum extraction of PPN was at 95 °C for 10 min and the ratio of water/M. citrifolia fruit powder 90 mL/g, with 8.93% yield. Using dry M. citrifolia fruit slices as a tea is reported for the first time. Based on the results, the maximum level of PSC can be obtained under condition by infusing about four dried M. citrifolia fruit slice with average thickness and size in warm boiled water for 11 min, taking a 300 mL cup (300 mL of water) for example. The maximum level of PPN can be obtained by adding three slices of dried M. citrifolia fruit slice to boiled water for 10 min. Considering the powder used in our study, the further pulverization of cutting into powder is more conducive to material precipitation. This study provides a scientific basis for obtaining PSC and PPN from dry M. citrifolia fruit slice tea by brewing.
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Morinda citrifolia L. (Rubiaceae) was commonly referred to as noni in Hawaii, mengkudu in Malaysia, cheese fruit in Australia, Indian mulberry in India and also noni in China, and famous for its extensive therapeutic effects (Chan-Blanco et al., 2006; Jia, Lan & Wu, 2020; Motshakeri & Ghazali, 2015; Rajaei-Sharifabadi et al., 2017). As a traditional folk medical plant, especially the fruit is the most attractive part containing the most valuable chemical compounds (Assi et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2013; Mukti et al., 2019; Prasad, Visagaperumal Zonoubia & Chandy, 2019). Many studies have shown that noni has many functions such as anti-oxidation, anti-virus, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, anti-injury, anti-bacterial, and scavenging free radicals. These effects continued believed to be related to polysaccharides and polyphenols (Nayak & Mengi, 2010; Santos & De Aquino Santana, 2019; Sasmito et al., 2015; Sousa et al., 2018).
Plant polysaccharides are one of the functional components in the M. citrifolia fruit (Sousa et al., 2018). It not only participates in energy metabolism, but also has a variety of biological activities, such as antiviral, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anticoagulant, etc., showing good commercial development prospects functional foods and medicine (Chen et al., 2011). Polysaccharide from lotus plumule can be used to treat type I diabetes and inflammation (Liao, Guo & Lin, 2011; Liao & Lin, 2011). The polysaccharides contained in lotus leaf and Pouteria campechiana seeds have a strong ability to scavenge free radicals, which may be a potential natural antioxidant resource (Zhang et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2019). Plant polyphenols are a kind of secondary metabolites, which had antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities (Cai et al., 2004; Scalbert, Johnson & Saltmarsh, 2005; Darvesh et al., 2010), and were the main antioxidant in M. citrifolia (Srinivasahan & Durairaj, 2014). Grape is one of the fruits with the highest content of polyphenols. It is beneficial to health to absorb phenolic compounds from grape((Iglesias-Carres et al., 2018)). Extracts of D. Morbifera leaf are rich in polyphenols, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anticancer activities and immunomodulatory functions ((Hyun et al., 2013; Hyun et al., 2015; Birhanu et al., 2018; Kang et al., 2018)). Studies have found that polyphenols are abundant in plants such as tea, thyme, rosemary and other plants (Favre et al., 2018; Favreau-Farhadi, Pecukonis & Barrett, 2015; Lunceford & Gugliucci, 2005). Plant extracts rich in polyphenols have the advantage of being a natural ingredient and are more acceptable than synthetic compounds (Peng et al., 2008). The naturally fermented M. citrifolia juice contains polyphenolic and polysaccharide, which is the main bioactive ingredient in M. citrifolia fruit (Motshakeri & Ghazali, 2015; Chang et al., 2013). The polysaccharides in M. citrifolia fruit can regulate the immune response, thereby significantly inhibiting tumor growth in human cancer patients (Sharma et al., 2015; Dussossoy et al., 2011). The potential use of M. citrifolia fruit as a health promoter caught the attention of food industry and the pharmaceutical sector made it as a part of various products. Currently, several methods have been used to reduce the unpleasant taste and smell of ripe M. citrifolia fruit, such as M. citrifolia juice, fermented juice, M. citrifolia syrup, M. citrifolia puree, M. citrifolia powder and M. citrifolia extract for medicines and chemical reagents (Almeida, De Oliveira & Hotza, 2019; Assi et al., 2017)
To study how to drink dried M. citrifolia fruit slice tea to get more PSC and PPN. This research used RSM for obtaining the optimal conditions of the aqueous extraction process of PSC and PPN from M. citrifolia fruit, and the models were confirmed to be effective and feasible for optimization extraction. The optimal experimental conditions for extraction of PSC and PPN in dried M. citrifolia fruit slice tea were: the highest yield of PSC was 17.00% at ratio of water/M. citrifolia fruit powder 78 mL/g, 46 °C, and 11 min, and the highest yield of PPN was 8.93% at ratio of water/M. citrifolia fruit powder 90 mL/g, 95 °C, and 10 min. Thus, using a 300 ml cup (300 mL of water) as an example, people can soak four average-sized dried M. citrifolia fruit slices in boiled water for 11 min to obtained the maximum level of PSC. To get a PPN, people can place three slices in boiling water for 10 min. The design of this study was based on the respective optimizations of PSC and PPN. If people would like to obtain more PSC and PPN at the same time, the further experimental research is needed. The use of dried M. citrifolia fruit powder when conditions are permitted is more conducive to the precipitation of active substances than the dried slice. M. citrifolia fruit contains polysaccharides, polyphenols, alkaloids, amino acids and other compounds. It has antibacterial, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cardiovascular protection, etc. M. citrifolia fruit containing other active ingredients The optimal processing conditions for tea also needs to be further studied. The obtained findings promoted the development and utilization of M. citrifolia fruit products. It laid the foundation for further research on the functions of dried M. citrifolia fruit sliced tea.
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많은 연구에서 노니는 산화 방지, 바이러스 방지, 항염증, 항암, 종양 방지, 부상 방지, 항균, 활성산소 청소와 같은 많은 기능을 가지고 있다. 이러한 효과는 다당류와 폴리페놀과 관련된 것으로 계속되었다
(Nayak & Mengi, 2010; Santos & De Aquino Santana, 2019; Sasmito et al., 2015; Sousa et al., 2018).
식물 다당류는 M. 시트리폴리아 과일의 기능 성분 중 하나이다(Sousa et al., 2018). 이 식물 다당류는 에너지 대사에 참여할 뿐만 아니라 항바이러스, 항산화제, 항종양제, 항응고제 등 다양한 생물학적 활동을 통해 상업적 발전 전망이 좋은 기능성 식품과 의약품(Chen et al., 2011)을 보여주고 있다. 제1형 당뇨병과 염증 치료에는 연꽃 매실의 다당류(Liao, Guo & Lin, 2011; Liao & Lin, 2011)를 사용할 수 있다. 연잎과 푸테리아 캄페치아나 씨앗에 함유된 다당류는 잠재적인 천연 항산화 자원이 될 수 있는 활성산소를 청소하는 강력한 능력을 가지고 있다(Zang et al., 2015; Ma et al., 2019).
식물 폴리페놀은 항균, 항염증, 항산화 작용(Cai et al., 2004; Scalbert, Johnson & Saltmarsh, 2005; Darvesh et al., 2010)을 가진 2차 대사물이며, 시트리폴리아(Srinivasan & Durajair, 2014)의 주요 항산화 물질이었다.
연구에 따르면 폴리페놀은 차, 티메, 로즈마리 및 기타 식물에서 풍부하다(Favrea et al., 2018; Favreau-Farhadi, Peuconis & Barrett, 2015; Lunceford & Guglucci, 2005).
폴리페놀 성분이 풍부한 식물 추출물은 천연 성분이라는 장점이 있으며 합성 화합물보다 수용성이 높다(Peng et al., 2008).
자연 발효 M. 시트리폴리아 주스에는 M. 시트리폴리아 과일의 주요 바이오 활성 성분인 폴리페놀과 다당류가 함유되어 있다(Motshakeri & Gazali, 2015; Chang et al., 2013). M. 시트리폴리아 과일의 다당류는 면역 반응을 조절하여 인간 암 환자의 종양 성장을 크게 억제할 수 있다(Sharma et al., 2015; Dussosoy et al., 2011).
M. citripolia 과일이 건강 촉진제로 활용될 가능성이 있어 식품업계의 주목을 받았고 제약업계가 이를 다양한 제품의 일부로 만들었다.
차는 사람들에게 영양분을 공급할 수 있는 유익한 화합물의 원천이다(Cavuldak et al., 2019). 뜨거운 물은 비타민, 폴리페놀, 다당류, 그리고 다른 식물 생물 활성 화합물을 녹이거나 추출할 수 있습니다.
말린 M. 시트리폴리아 과일 슬라이스 차를 마시는 방법을 연구하여 PSC와 PPN을 더 많이 섭취한다. 본 연구는 MSM을 사용하여 M. citrifolia fruit에서 PSC와 PPN의 수용 추출 프로세스의 최적 조건을 얻었으며, 모델은 최적화 추출에 효과적이고 실현 가능한 것으로 확인되었다.
건조 M. 시트리폴리아 과일 슬라이스 티에서 PSC와 PPN을 추출하기 위한 최적의 실험 조건은 물/M. 시트리폴리아 과일 분말 78 mL/g, 46 °C, 11 min 비율로 PSC가 17.00%, 시트리폴리아가 8.93%였다. 따라서 300ml 컵(물 300ml)을 예로 들면, 사람들은 평균 크기의 M. 시트리폴리아 과일 조각 4개를 11분 동안 끓인 물에 담가 PSC의 최대 수치를 얻을 수 있다.
저희 (주)노니코리아는 언제나 약이 될수 있는 귀한 식물을 재배부터 제조 까지 정성과 정직과 청결을 다해 가장 신뢰받는 약용식물제조기업이 되기 위해 오늘도 한마음으로 걷겠습니다.
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